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ALL Vubridge Bundle - Register for ALL Vubridge Yearly Subscriptions in One Go!
Register for All Vubridge yearly subscriptions and save $126, a massive 44%!
Defender Level 1
Defender Level 2
Quiz Beginners
Quiz Expert
Slams Level 1
Slams Level 2
Total Value: $276.49
Bundle Amazing Price: $149.95 for 1640 hands and 150 Quizzes to play!
Vubridge Improvers Bundle - Register for V-Blue, Defender, Slams and Quiz Beginners!
Save $125 a massive 44%!
Improvers Bundle content:
V-Blue Year 2
V-Blue Year 3
Defender Level 1 - Lessons 1-24 with original Paul Bowyers' lessons
Slams Level 1 - Lessons 1-24 Learn Slam Bidding with Roman Keycard Blackwood and Control Cue-Bids Quizzes
Quiz Beginners one year subscription
Total Value: $284.85
Bundle Amazing Price: $159.95 for 1940 hands and 150 Quizzes to play!
Vubridge Beginners Bundle - Register for Vubridge Starter Kit, V-Blue, and Quiz Beginners!
Save $84.85 a massive 46%!
Beginners Bundle content:
Vubridge Starter Kit
V-Blue Year 1
V-Blue Year 2
Quiz Beginners one year subscription
Total Value: $184.80
Bundle Amazing Price: $99.95 for 1132 hands and 150 Quizzes to play!
Vubridge Starter Kit for Total Beginners
Vu-Bridge Starter Kit: The easiest way to learn the game of Bridge for Total Beginners
12 lessons x 8 hands plus 10 recap hands: $39.90
Quiz Expert - 1 year subscription

The Vu-Bridge Quiz... Five bidding challenges and one tricky hand popping into your inbox three days a week. The most modern, interactive learning tool available to build your skills and help develop your partnerships.
*Subject to your web browser capabilities.
1 year subscription: $44.95
- Quizzes are prepared by our fine team of authors
- Marti Ronemus
- Ben Norton
- Barry Rigal
- Paul Bowyer
Quiz Expert - 2 years subscription

The Vu-Bridge Quiz... Five bidding challenges and one tricky hand popping into your inbox three days a week. The most modern, interactive learning tool available to build your skills and help develop your partnerships.
*Subject to your web browser capabilities.
2 years subscription (27 month): $89.90
- Quizzes are prepared by our fine team of authors
- Marti Ronemus
- Barry Rigal
- Larry Cohen
- Paul Bowyer

The Vu-Bridge Quiz... Five bidding quizzes and one hand to play popping into your inbox three days a week. An interactive learning tool carefully prepared for beginners to advance your skills and help develop your understanding of the Standard American bidding system.
*Subject to your web browser capabilities.
1 year subscription: $44.99
- Quizzes are prepared by our fine team of authors
- Marti Ronemus
- Matthias Huberschwiller
- Paul Bowyer
Quiz Beginner - 2 years subscription

The Vu-Bridge Quiz... Five bidding quizzes and one hand to play popping into your inbox three days a week. An interactive learning tool carefully prepared for beginners to advance your skills and help develop your understanding of the Standard American bidding system.
*Subject to your web browser capabilities.
2 years subscription: $89.98
- Quizzes are prepared by our fine team of authors
- Marti Ronemus
- Andy Hung
- Paul Bowyer
V-Green e-Newsletter - 1 year subscription

Receive 24 hands to play every two weeks
Plays on your Mac, PC, Tablet or Smartphone*!
*Subject to your web browser capabilities.
1 year subscription: $45.00
- Deals are prepared by world class authors
- David Bird - Barry Rigal - Frank Stewart
- Phillip Alder - Bobby Wolff and counting
V-Green e-Newsletter - Special Offer - 2 years subscription
Subscribe for 2 years and receive a free Playbook

Receive 24 hands to play every two weeks
Plays on Mobile devices and Voice comments* enabled!
*Subject to your web browser capabilities.
2 years subscription: $90.00
V-Blue Lessons - Year 1 subscription

Practice hands for beginners
Receive 24 hands to play every two weeks
Year 1 subscription: $49.99
- Deals are prepared by top teachers and authors
- David Bird - Marti Ronemus
- Paul Bowyer and counting
- Standart American or ACOL
V-Blue Lessons - Year 2 subscription

Practice hands for beginners
Receive 24 hands to play every two weeks
Year 2 subscription: $49.99
- Deals are prepared by top teachers and authors
- David Bird - Marti Ronemus
- Paul Bowyer and counting
- Standart American or ACOL
V-Blue Lessons - Year 3 subscription

Practice hands for beginners
Receive 24 hands to play every two weeks
Year 3 subscription: $49.95
- Deals are prepared by top teachers and authors
- David Bird - Marti Ronemus
- Paul Bowyer and counting
- Standart American only until 2016
Vu-Bridge Slams Level 1 - 1 year subscription

Receive 18 Slam hands to play every month
Plays on computers, Smartphones and Voice comments* enabled!
*Subject to your web browser capabilities.
Slams Level 1 - 1 year subscription: $34.95
- Level 1 Deals are carefully prepared to get you used to the basics of Slam playing.
- Authors: David Bird - Paul Bowyer - Matthias Huberschwiller and counting
Vu-Bridge Slams Level 2 - 1 year subscription.

Advanced Slam Playing Strategy
Receive 24 hands to play every month
Plays on PC, Mac, iPad and iPhone!
*Subject to your web browser capabilities.
Slams Level 2 - 1 years subscription: $39.95
Vu-Bridge Slams Level 1 - 2 years subscription.

Receive 18 hands to play every month
Plays on PC, Mac, iPad and iPhone!
Level 1 - 2 years subscription: $69.90
Vu-Bridge Slams Level 2 - 2 years subscription.

Receive 24 hands to play every month
Plays on Mac, iPad and iPhone!
*Subject to your web browser capabilities.
Level 2 - 2 years subscription: $79.90
Vu-Bridge Defender Level 1 - 1 year subscription

Receive 18 defense hands to play every month
Plays on computers, Smartphones and Voice comments* enabled!
*Subject to your web browser capabilities.
Level 1 - 1 year subscription: $34.95
- Level 1 Deals are carefully prepared to get you used to the basics of Defense.
- Authors: David Bird - Paul Bowyer - Matthias Huberschwiller and counting
Vu-Bridge Defender Level 2 - 1 year subscription.

Advanced Defensive Strategy
Receive 18 hands to play every month
Plays on PC, Mac, iPad and iPhone!
*Subject to your web browser capabilities.
Level 2 - 1 years subscription: $34.95
Vu-Bridge Defender Level 1 - 2 years subscription.

Receive 18 hands to play every month
Plays on PC, Mac, iPad and iPhone!
Level 1 - 2 years subscription: $69.90
Vu-Bridge Defender Level 2 - 2 years subscription.

Receive 18 hands to play every month
Plays on Mac, iPad and iPhone!
*Subject to your web browser capabilities.
Level 2 - 2 years subscription: $69.90
Thinking Bridge 1 by Eddie Kantar - 50 deals for intermediate players

50 thoroughly commented deals - $19.95
Level: Intermediate
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Thinking Bridge 2 by Eddie Kantar - 50 extra deals for intermediate players

50 thoroughly commented deals - $19.95
Level: Intermediate
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Planning in Suit Contracts by David Bird and Tim Bourke

Test your declarer play! This book is part of the Test Your Bridge Technique series. It will give you the opportunity to practice planning declarer play in situations that involve many of the key techniques relevant to contracts in a trump suit.
36 deals - $9.95
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Entry Management by David Bird and Tim Bourke

Why should you want to polish your entry management technique? There are two very good reasons. The first is that it is often relatively easy play to control your entry situation. Often you need do nothing more than be alert to potential problems. The second reason is that the opportunities to use this technique, or to defend against it, will arise in nearly every bridge session you play. So the rewards to be gained are considerable.
36 deals - $9.95
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Elimination Play by David Bird and Tim Bourke
Test your elimination play! This book is part of the Test Your Bridge Technique series.

The basic principles of elimination play are straightforward, but applying them is not always so easy. Rest assured that some serious challenges await you in these pages!
36 deals - $9.95
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Life Masters Pairs - Day 1 Session 1 by Larry Cohen
Exciting news from Larry: In association with Vu-Bridge, Larry has started to rewrite his famous LM Pairs series.

Some deals will seem easy, others will be quite difficult — just as in real life where these deals were taken from. Good luck!"
28 deals - $9.99
Purchase Day 1 - Session 1
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Life Masters Pairs - Day 1 Session 2 by Larry Cohen
Exciting news from Larry: In association with Vu-Bridge, Larry has started to rewrite his famous LM Pairs series.

Read his words: "These deals were originally published in a different format. Now, thanks to Vu-Bridge technology, they can be played out by the user bid-by-bid and trick-by-trick. Furthermore, the original version worked only on PC's - whereas this version can be played with any operating system, presumably the one you are using now!"
28 deals - $9.99
Purchase Day 1 - Session 2
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Spotlight on Card Play - by Darvas & Lucacs
A bridge "Classic", first published in 1956, but it was made for Vu-Bridge! Really.

This book is designed to turn moderately good bridge players into expert players of the cards, by use of novel and entertaining method.
69 deals - $15.95
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