This is your list of available V-Blue issues:
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This is your list of available V-Blue issues:
Declarer-play: 1NT Opening and NT Responses; Very easy card-play.
Quiz: Opening 1 No-trump
Declarer play: Setting up suits in NT by knocking out Aces (& Kings)
Quiz: Responding to 1NT (balanced hands).
Declarer-play: 1NT Opening & Suit Responses: simple card-play in suits.
Quiz: Responding to 1NT (unbalanced hands, weak).
Defence against NT: leading 4th highest & returning partner's suit
Quiz: Responding to 1NT (unbalanced hands, game-forcing).
Declarer play: Suit breaks (3-2, 3-3 etc). Counting.
Suit breaks quiz 1.
Declarer Play: Setting up tricks in long suits, including counting.
Suit breaks quiz 2.
Declarer Play: Suit Openings & Limit Raises; Drawing trumps.
Quiz: Is this an opening bid?
Declarer Play: Entries including overtaking.
Quiz: Limit raises.
Bidding: Suit Openings, the 1NT response.
Quiz: The response of 1NT to one of a suit.
Declarer Play: Ruffing losers in Dummy (NOT drawing trumps).
Quiz: Opener’s rebid after a 1NT response.
Declarer Play: Ruffing losers in Dummy (NOT drawing trumps).
Quiz: Opener’s rebid after a 1NT response.
Declarer Play: Ruff or draw trumps?
General Quiz on lessons 1-12.
Bidding: balanced hands outside the 1NT opening range.
Quiz: Opener’s rebids (balanced hands).
Declarer Play: Timing (what to do first – discarding losers).
Quiz: Opener’s rebids (planning an opening bid).
Bidding: Suit Openings & Strong (unbalanced) Rebids.
Quiz: Raising responder's suit.
Declarer Play: The Marked Finesse.
Quiz: Giving preference.
Declarer Play: The common finesse.
Quiz: Opening 2NT.
Bidding a suit after opponents open (Contested auction).
Quiz: Responding to opening 2NT.
Defensive play: Opening leads (No-trumps).
Quiz: Overcalls.
Bidding: The TO Double & simple responses.
Quiz: Responding to an overcall.
Declarer Play: Ducking to set up a side-suit.
Quiz: The Take-Out (TO) Double.
Defense: Opening leads (Suits).
Quiz: Responding to a TO Double.
Declarer Play: The Hold-up (Part I).
Quiz: Opening 2♣
Defense against No-trumps (third hand giving count).
General quiz on all of above.
Bidding; 1NT revisited – Stayman convention. (Extend to 2NT opener)..
Quiz: Stayman over 1NT.
Declarer play: counting tricks & timing the hand.
Quiz: Stayman (Part II).
Declarer-play: Responding to Take-Out Doubles (harder).
Quiz: Preemptive bids.
Declarer-play: Percentage plays (eight ever, nine never).
Quiz: Responses to opening three and four-bids .
Declarer play: Avoiding over-ruffs.
Quiz: Preempts at high level.
Slam Bidding: (including straight Blackwood).
Quiz: Quantitative Slam Bidding.
Declarer Play: The crossruff.
Quiz: Blackwood & when to use it.
Bidding: Negative Doubles after overcalls.
Quiz: Responding to Take-Out Doubles.
Declarer-play: Ruffing & double finesses.
Quiz: The Negative double.
Bidding: Re-opening Doubles.
Quiz: Re-opening Double .
Defense: Covering an honor with an honor.
Quiz: Defending against pre-empts.
Bidding: The 1NT Overcall (includes protective position).
General Quiz on lessons 1-12.
Defense: Encouraging/discouraging signals.
Quiz: The Balancing position.
Defense: Second Player Play.
Quiz: Protective bidding (Part II).
Declarer-play: Setting up a side-suit.
Quiz: Giving preference: Hard examples.
Declarer play: the art of counting.
Quiz: Reverse Bidding (Part I).
Declarer Play: The hold-up 2 & 3.
Quiz: Reverse Bidding (Part II).
Defensive-play: Second hand low…?
Quiz: Trial bids.
Defensive-play: Third-hand play in No-trumps (rule of 11).
Quiz: Cue-bidding (Part I).
Defensive-play: Length-showing signals.
Quiz: Cue-bidding (Part II).
Harder defence (counting tricks).
Quiz: Weak Two opening bids.
Defense: Suit preference signals (suits).
Quiz: Response to Weak-Two opening bids.
Defense: Suit preference signals (No-trumps).
Quiz: Bidding judgment (upgrades and downgrades).
Declarer-play: Simple end-plays.
General quiz on all of above.
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