Up to 1440 Practice Hands for your Students
Read what Bill G., an ABTA registered teacher says about V-Blue:
It is difficult to quantify, but generally my Vu-Bridge students progress faster than those who are not signed up.
"I have encouraged all of my students who I classify as advanced beginners to sign up for V- Blue 2 and I will do the same for V-Blue 3 when my teaching season begins in Nov. "
"I have found the material to be informative, articulate, and not dry and the hands to be challenging but not too much of a reach for most of my students. "
Many of my lesson plans overlap the material found on V-Blue and I am able to incorporate some of your hands into my lesson plans and I sometimes use your printable handouts for my students to take home to reinforce the lesson of the week. "
"I urge all of my students who have signed up for V- Blue to read 2 or 3 hands a few times a week and if they have any questions they either email me or we discuss before the next class begins.
It is difficult to quantify, but generally my Vu-Bridge students progress faster than those who are not signed up.
They are also obviously more motivated.
V-Blue 3 will be an excellent tool for me and will refine many of the subjects that my students have been taught."
What's the biggest problem teachers tell us they have? Giving their students effective ways to practice, practice, practice. We know that the way to learn to play bridge is to PLAY BRIDGE, and finally with VuBridge, there is a way for you to guide your students to hands that reinforce what YOU are teaching them, to make YOUR lessons more effective.
Rationale and Sample Hands
You know from experience how hard it is to make up your own hands or find just the ideal hand. Why reinvent the wheel, when we have put together the perfect hands to reinforce your lessons?
Even better, they are perfect for even the least computer-savvy of your students.
See for yourself, and let us be YOUR partner. Our focus on play-of-the-hand and defense will fit beautifully into your curriculum.